If there is one condition that teenagers dread, it is acne and this scourge is such that it invariably strikes more than seventy five percent of the teenage population with many of them struggling to cope with it.
The other myth or misconception about this skin condition is that acne cannot be cured and that the person has to endure the discomfort or at best has to go in for costly cleansers or cosmetic treatment to get rid of the acne blemishes. This adds further stress to the already demoralized individual and he begins to lose hope.
On one hand, he is bombarded with all sorts of commercials exhorting him to go for those expensive cosmetics, while on the other hand, there are other articles stating that due to the different types of acne prevalent, all synthetic cleansers and medications have little or no effect whatsoever. Very few articles focus on natural tips for acne free skin and that is one area this write - up is going to be focusing upon. The fact is that acne is caused due to certain basic skin abnormalities which can be cured through natural means. It only requires concentrated effort and discipline to do so.
The natural method of curing acne deals with avoiding any prescription related medication or cosmetics and attempts to treat the condition of acne from within. This has been found to be more sustaining and a relatively inexpensive way of dealing with this scourge. Very often in life, some of the most deep rooted conditions or discomforts have to be weeded out from their base and acne is no different. It is just a matter of knowing about them and implementing them with dedication.
Let us look at some of the tips for acne free skin:
a) Water – The importance of this elixir of life cannot be understated. This is one liquid that cannot do any harm and even excess consumption will only have some positive benefits. It balances body metabolism and helps flush out the harmful toxins that would go on to create problems of the skin like acne.
b) Skin care routine – Adopting a regular facial, toning and moisturizing practice has been considered very beneficial for the skin and helps keep the pores clean from grime. Facials and scrubs made from organic sources are not only very effective but light on the pocket as well.
c) Alleviate stress – Modern life is such that some stress is inevitable. However, you can reduce it by indulging in relaxing exercises, getting enough sleep and by managing time better. Stress has been known to create havoc within the body and one manifestation could be acne.
d) Appropriate diet – The role of vegetables and fruits are equally important in providing the body with the required minerals and vitamins that help fight acne. This is recommended instead of fast foods and meat products as they tend to induce release of free radicals and they could in turn lead to skin problems like acne.
e) Appropriate make up – Avoiding any oil based make up and sticking to minimum make up is ideal for the skin to breathe. Many of the sunscreens and concealers do more damage than care for your skin.
f) Supplement intake – Certain supplements like zinc and other herbal acne treatment products in the right combination have been found very effective in preventing acne.
The above tips for acne free skin are very useful and though they are not exhaustive, you can make a beginning with them and will surely notice a definite improvement in controlling this skin condition from worsening. Over time, you may be even able to prevent any acne from forming in the first place.
original article by Steve Taylor on ArticlesBase
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