Acne is a kind of problem just passes away through us and we hardly remember facing it ever. During acne it is little troubling with the kind of impact it results over the skin. This is purely non-contagious form of skin disease leaves skin lesions.
Most of the people definitely face this sometime during their life. This acne results mainly in two forms. In the first form it purely non-inflammatory and it carries white heads or black heads as acne lesions. These white heads and black heads are just results of bacteria along with sebum under the pores of the skin. Their initial formation is white heads and down the line these gets oxidized and turns into black to form as black heads. In the second form of acne this causes inflammatory to the skin. Here, due to this inflammation lesions will turn into papules, pustules, cysts, and nodules. Among them nodules are most dangerous and needs immediate attention.
Mainly the age group between 10 and 17 in females and age group 14 and 19 in male will affect with the problem acne. In some of the cases adult too attacked by this disease during mid thirties and forties. Surprisingly this is not much seen with Asians and black, and in Chinese this is completely zero. Face, neck, shoulders, back, chest are the few places acne could occur. Acne happens purely due to hormonal imbalance. Many people think that chocolate consumption causes acne, but it is pure myth. Personal hygienic conditions and diet got nothing to do with acne and its treatment. The myths like masturbation and sun exposure etc need not have to be considered at all.
The main reason for acne is male hormone androgen and bacteria. The improved levels androgen will activate sebaceous glands of the hair follicle. This will produce more volumes of sebum. This sebum is oil kind of substance travels from hair follicle to the surface of the skin. Here, acne will result through combination of sebum along with hyperkeratinisation. Here, bacteria will join to this combination in creating the inflammation to the cane affected portion. Bacteria will keep on developing at a multiplying speed and joins the sebum. Both together releases the inflammatory chemicals on to the area where acne affected. This acne will further spread more through the bursting of follicle. This increased acne affect will result into dangerous forms of papules, pustules and nodules.
Treatment of acne always depends on the severity of the lesion. Some of the times this leads to stress and this stress also should be considered for the treatment procedures. This acne is classified into three categories depending on its severity. Those are mild acne, moderate acne and severe acne. Mild acne can be treated easily with the help of available tropical medicines. For moderate acne treatment should be combination of tropical and antibiotics. Mainly severe acne needs special attention and special treatment. The treatment should go under the supervision of expert dermatologist for this. Prescribed medicines only will result as great help than any other in this.
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