Friday, November 19, 2010

Know Your Acne

There are different varieties of acne and different varieties of treatments to control them. Worldwide there are too many people affect to this acne in the age group of 12-25 years. This will outbreak into pimples and acne is considered skin problem. Treatment to acne will result as good only after finding the root cause for it. Few adults are too prone to acne during thirties due to some hormonal balance problem.

Acne normally happens during the puberty period and main cause is due to the hormonal activity by that time. Medically speaking acne is very small problem, but unfortunately there are many myths and rumors surrounded around to it. Scientifically acne forms due to the oil-producing skin glands which produce pilosebaceous follicles. This oil secretion creates a perfect ambience for the bacteria growth and this will result into acne. Beneath to skin pore sometimes this acne creates cysts and this is worse condition of acne and result as permanents scarring over skin. There is a research confirms genetic reason too for this acne and it says it runs in the family.

Pimples will result over skin due to acne. This is due to bacteria called Propionebacterium and this feeds on sebum. This bacterium also creates inflammation to the skin at the acne affected portion. Mainly this bacteria is anaerobic it means this bacteria cannot survive in an oxygenated ambience. This acne is mainly active in teenagers during their hormonal change phase of puberty. The acne formed during puberty is very mild form and will not carry any inflammatory sensation. But, in girls acne caused due to hormonal balance will result many problems. 80% of teenagers are prone acne due to the hormone changes. 25% to 30% women in the age group late thirties are also prone acne due to ovarian cyst and pregnancy.

Acne sometimes also can be seen in few adults. The reasons for the acne in adults can attribute to many things. In women during their pregnancy and ovarian cyst face a lot of hormonal imbalance and this will result acne in them. Usage and stoppage of birth control pills in women is another reason for acne. Acne in adult should be carried in a special way than regular acne treatment. In some of the cases boys will be seen with severe attack acne over them. This will leave scars over the skin and these scars are permanent. These needs best treatment and with that scars can be avoided to some extent successfully. Many times over-the-counter drug called Glycolic can be seen as treatment for acne. This is an acid and work as tropical antibiotic towards cane. Few will consider chemical peel as treatment for acne. For mild acne all the over-the-counter drug results as best medicine. But, for severe acne it needs consultation with dermatologist and need to follow the prescription. Acne treatment is not costly and quite affordable, but time involved in treating the problem will differ from one to other.

Everyone should know about their acne first before going for a treatment. Depending on the severity of the problem it should be treated and in severe cases dermatologist would be best choice.

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