Saturday, November 27, 2010

Healthy Skin Tip

Your skin is one of your most essential and valuable possessions of life. It is not only a protector against environmental effects, but it is also functions as a heat regulator, and allows you to have the sense of touch. From a social point of view, your skin is one of the first things people see. Daily, you meet or interact with other people. While your mannerisms may appear to others that you have it all together, your skin may say otherwise. However, you boldly interact with others while your anxiety about your skin’s condition is at an all times high.

The condition of your skin may be an indication of your dietary habits. Meaning, if you have bad dietary habits, your skin may show signs of acne or other types of skin disorders. However, this is not to suggest that everyone with bad skin has bad dietary habits. Quite the opposite, people with good dietary habits may also suffer from skin disorders. However, the question remains, is your body getting everything it needs? Or, are you consuming certain ingredients that your body has an adverse reaction to, which negatively impacts your skin?

After eliminating certain ingredients from my diet for a month, I noticed major improvement of my skin. What did I eliminate? (Get ready for this.) I stopped eating junk food (chips, pizza, ice cream, etc), bread, sugary drinks, and seafood (I had already eliminated all other physical meats from my diet); I cut my sugar intake; I increased my water, fruits, and vegetable intake. During this process, I took a liquid supplement to ensure that I had all the necessary nutrients in my body. Because I gave my body a break from artificial foods, and I gave it what it needed, my skin benefited as a result.

I encourage you to record everything you eat as well as any abnormal effects to you notice to your skin. This is important as it will help you to identify cause-and-effect trends with your skin in conjunction with the foods you eat.

If you decide to eliminate foods from your diet as I have, first consult with your doctor. My example may not be the best process for you. However, if your skin condition persists, visit a dermatologist and/or a nutritionist that may help you to identify a way ahead for clear, healthy skin.

Beware, you may identify that the foods you love most may be the foods you have to give up. From experience, I can tell you this will not be easy. It is definitely a sacrifice. You will, however, gain more control of your body, comfort, and confidence. That makes it all worth the sacrifice.
By: Davis Alexander on

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